Help for Mental Health

Roz Thompson
Oct 10, 2018
We know our students' mental and behavioral health needs are increasing. We also know many adults around us face stressful situations in their lives. When talking to family, friends and students, and interacting with coworkers, we know lots of people around us are dealing with mental health issues. So what can we do? When does a situation become an illness or a crisis? How can we help until professionals can take over?

The City of Auburn developed a one hour mental health training so anyone can be a first responder to mental health needs. This is similar to teaching people CPR. We can all do something until trained help arrives. But what should we do?

The R.E.A.D.Y. (Real Emergency Aid Depends on You) program is a first step in increasing awareness of mental health issues, reducing fear, and providing tools for people to use in a crisis situation. If we can share this information with others, we will begin to end the stigma that keeps many people from seeking help when it’s needed.

The City of Auburn created a one hour training video. 

High school students in Auburn are currently helping to develop a 30 minute video for students. For more information, contact Pat Bailey.

OSPI has a “Mental Health and Schools” page on their website. There are some great resources here for you and your teachers. Be sure to connect with your health teachers to see how they might be incorporating the mental health literacy standards in their classes.

  • Video
  • training
  • Safety
  • Mental Health
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