Fact or Fiction? Classroom Exclusions #1

David Morrill
Dec 05, 2019

Fact or Fiction?

A “Classroom Exclusion” is the same as an “In-School Suspension”.


Although classroom exclusion and in-school suspension both occur within school, they are procedurally and categorically different. Generally speaking, a classroom exclusion is essentially related to a teacher’s decision to remove a student from class, whereas an in-school suspension is related to an administrator’s decision. A school might issue an in-school suspension following a classroom exclusion in response to the same behavioral violation during the same school day.

For example, if a teacher initiates a classroom exclusion and then the administrator decides to extend it beyond the balance of the school day, it then becomes an in-school suspension.

And, as you might know, a school cannot administer an in-school suspension without first providing the student prior notice regarding the behavioral violation, an explanation of the evidence, an explanation of the suspension, and an opportunity for the student to provide his/her side of the story.

Check out the other Classroom Exclusion Fact or Fiction videos on our Youtube Channel!

More Resources:

“School Suspensions are an Adult Behavior”

Supporting and Responding to Behavior: Evidence-Based Classroom Strategies for Teachers

What is PBIS?

Tier I

Understanding Implicit Bias


  • Fact or Fiction
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